CAS – Terrarium Making

A Terrarium is a miniature closed system also known as a mesocosm that can contain plants in an enclosed glass container for either decorative or scientific purposes. During this CAS experience, I decided to create my very own terrarium by diligently learning and understanding various steps and methodology involved to create a beautiful terrarium. Terrariums are self-sustaining systems that require less human intervention in order to thrive meaning they can water themselves by condensation of water inside their container and produce food through photosynthesis. Activated charcoal is added in order to remove toxic chemicals that can be present in the soil, allowing the plants to sustain themselves. Terrarium is not a scientific experiment instead it is an artwork that requires time and dedication to master. 

LO1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

 During my journey of learning terrarium, I identified various points of weakness and strengths that I could cultivate to develop a fine piece of artwork. The weakness that I identified throughout my learning process was clumsiness wherein I sometimes failed to handle things properly which would require utmost care. For example, I would break the leaves of the plant while putting it in the glass container or would not layer the soil perfectly. On the other hand, I also identified my various points of strengths that included my creativity and dedication. I thought of various doable designs for my terrarium and worked upon them in order to get the final product that was creative as well as attractive. A combination of these strengths and weaknesses allowed me to construct a clear frame of mind upon which I could work in order to develop my skills.

LO2 ( Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process)

 Terrarium like any other botanical practices requires skills to master. During my experience, I developed creative thinking skills by brainstorming designs and tackling any obstacles that would hinder my final product. Making a terrarium is not easy, I encountered a lot of challenges in the process such as gathering materials and clumsiness. Gathering materials was a challenge since resources such as activated charcoal or Moss were hard to find in my local market, and thus I had to contact certain people to provide me with the material necessary for making a terrarium. Similarly, clumsiness was also an issue because there were times when I made mistakes such as breaking the leaves of the plants or spilling charcoal everywhere. However, I soon learned to undertake these challenges and turn them into a learning outcome. By identifying my challenges I was able to develop new skills in the process such as creative thinking skills, which allowed me to develop my final product.

LO3 (Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience)

 This CAS experience required me to come out of my schedule and work on time-management. Learning terrarium required assistance from an experienced person who can guide me through the process by teaching me various skills required to design the product. In order to initiate this CAS experience I had to organize myself by creating a new schedule and aligning to that of my teacher who can also participate in my CAS experience through teaching me the skill. Distribution of the hours to be spent on this experience in order to balance my deadlines in school allowed me to successfully initiate and plan this experience.

LO4 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)

 Throughout this experience, I demonstrated utmost commitment and perseverance in order to create the final product. As mentioned previously, making a terrarium required dedication as well as knowledge and thus I successfully maintained my commitment in this project. By adjusting to time constraints and gaining understanding relating to this practice, I was able to demonstrate a focused orientation towards my end goal. Thus due to my dedication towards this experience, I was able to develop interest in what I was doing which helped me remain focused during my journey.

LO5 (Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively)

 This experience also shaped my collaboration as well as social skills. During this experience, I was working with my supervisor who taught me the working of a terrarium as well as guided me on how to make one. Working collaboratively helped me seek a greater understanding of the experience since understanding from an experienced person would help me create a better outcome. I faced no hurdles in the collaboration and was successfully able to develop the final product with the insights and guidance by the supervisor. 

 In conclusion, this experience helped me spark my inner creativity and boost my time management skills, social skills and creativity skills. I also developed two of the learner profiles during this experience that are Inquirer and Reflective. I developed these by gaining information throughout the journey regarding Terrarium and implementing it in my final product. Activities like this always leave a memorable and well as enjoyable experience.

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