Reflection 5
A writing account – Second-hand roses by Sia Raizada
I have written for as long as I can remember, now they might not have been something of actual meaning when I was younger but it has always been something special, as an escape. Whether that was in the back of a notebook, in the form of a ‘dear diary’, or now as I am growing up, in the notes app of my phone or journal most of the time.
LO 1 | Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth |
I have been told that when I am unafraid, I can have a subtle way with words so I try to write in whatever format I can. Most of what I come up with are small quotes or lines but I try my best to write paragraphs or poems that convey what I intend to. I learned that I often ramble on and on and when I go through a piece of writing, I realize it can be delivered in a more concise manner but still pack a punch. So with older pieces that’s exactly what I did. I reworked them to make more mature pieces that represent my style of writing.
LO 2 | Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process |
There were two big challenges that I faced. Firstly, as English Higher Level students, we focus on analysis rather than the creative side of writing, which is not my preference. Due to having to keep an analytical approach, most of the time my creative drive sometimes winded down which was not productive but I overcame that by maintaining a balance between them. Instead of keeping a focus on only one, I wrote down any creative thoughts I had and worked on them during leisure time and used my analytical skills for school work and during the reworking of the written piece. The second challenge was my shyness to post or share any of my pieces online due to them having a chance of being subject to scrutiny of any kind which I overcame by not dwelling on them and focusing on other people’s opinions that much and posting what I felt was right.
LO4 – Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience
Even during writer’s block, I tried to keep up with writing even if they weren’t my best work and posted snippets of whatever content I came up with it. I did so because it helped me reflect on my own experiences and emotions that I am facing at that time, so I persevered even when it got difficult to write or when I could not find the time to.
LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
Through my page, I wanted to address issues that are faced by adolescents in high school such as emotive difficulties and mental health issues. The purpose was to spread awareness about these issues through my writing and appraisal of other people’s writing giving my readers a wider platform to learn and engage in especially since I was personally going through some mental health struggles before I started the page. I wanted to be a part in helping others understand these issues for their seriousness.