108 rounds of Surya-namaskar (CAS experience 1)-Riya Bajaj

Suryanamaskar is also known as the sun salutation. It’s a sequence of 12 yoga asana and that is considered as 1 round of the Suryanamaskar. It involves all the body part’s movement and coordination. It helps improve blood circulation, the flexibility of the spine, cardiorespiratory functions are improved, etc. With playing basketball I had a […]

The sustainable drive,CAS project (creativity and service)

The sustainable drive was a group project of 5 members, where we wanted to address the importance of sustainable life to be followed by everyone and how can we live a sustainable life. This was our CAS project where our supervision was Utsav sir. we focused on spreading awareness towards a sustainable life where are […]


Cycling can be called a category for exercise.Cycling regularly stimulates and improves your heart,lungs and circulation ,reducing risk of cardiovascular disease.Cycling strengthens your heart muscles, lowers resting pulse and reduces blood fat levels.I have always enjoyed cycling and exercising on the bike for at least 30 minutes a day will build up your cardiovascular and […]

Beach Cleaning (Service)

Pollution, in general, is an introduction of contaminants by human activities which results in human-manufactured hazards to the environment. One of the most reoccurring pollution across the world is beach pollution as it directly affects more than 800 species of wildlife around the world and more than 100,000 seabirds, sea turtles, seals, and other marine […]