Learning German

I was delighted to understand and experience different cultures and the uniqueness of different languages. The german language will be a doorway for me to understand the culture better. I am an aspiring engineering student and want to go to Germany for further studies. The language will make it easier to adapt to the surroundings in the country and help me connect to the people. Learning A1 first and going in the order will help me master the language

I identified my strength and weaknesses by constantly evaluating my success and also took classes from a very experienced teacher that helped me in working on my weaknesses. My strengths were , I was able to change my accent appropriately and pronounce all the words correctly. My main weakness was remembering the conjugations of verbs as they are very complex and most of them have similar pronounciations.

I demonstrated that I have undertaken challenges through this CAS experience and I developed new skills in the process. It was challenging for me to learn German as an English speaker as German language has different pronunciations and grammar rules than English which made it difficult for me to comprehend German sentences and structure. The german language has some special letters that are very different from traditional english and hard to pronounce and remember. Some of those letters are “umlaut and ess-tset” whose pronunciations are very complex and hard to remember. I tried to overcome the challange of pronouncing by practicing words that contained those letters and remembered their sound.

I demonstrated and learned how to initiate a plan to learn the language. I practiced and revised the rules and words of the language regularly and try to converse with my teacher in German only. Also whenever I am speaking something I try to convert it into German in my head and make sentences in my head for better fluency. I also revise the rules of language before sleep so I am focused and concentrated on the rules only and there are less distractions.

Learning a new language is obviously very hard in the starting as each language has their uniqueness and require skills and in the start which is very frustating. Though this I didnt give up and showed my commitmemt and preservance to learn this language and try to be as fluent as possible.

I developed the learner profile attribute “communicator” as I learned to speak, write and communicate using another language and also another community with their different culture. I also was open minded as I took the German language and culture sportingly and tried to learn it without disrespecting it and instead appreciated the new things I learned. It also helps my social well being as I would be able to make better bonds with the people who speak German and understand them even better

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