
When I was a child I loved to do cycling. After the lockdown my many friends who didn’t like gym started going for cycling every morning but as  i had a busy schedule during weekdays i joined them every weekend we used to do cycling for half an hour and then i used to go for gym.

Learning Outcomes:


Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

As I have loved to do cycling since i was a little boy, I was very good at it.That is why i only had strengths in this activity which were: I can do cycling for a longer time and not get tired easily, I had a good reflexes which are required during cycling on roads as you can get distracted easily at roads. 


Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

The most challenging part for me was to manage time even on weekends. I used to go to the gym at 7 am which is why I had to wake up earlier for cycling. It took me a week or two  to get on track but I learned to manage my time. The skill which I developed while cycling is to learn how to cycle with hands free. This skill is not required in my life in any circumstance but after learning it I felt very happy.


Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience.

It was very important to maintain commitment and perseverance in this experience. In my initial days I was not able to wake up early as at 7 am i had to go to gym but I somehow learned to manage my time and wake up early.After cycling for 5 months i was able to complete 50 kilometers as my total distance and after which i felt more energetic. 

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