
Trekking is the best way out of boredom and allowing yourself to stay fit mentally and physically during the vacations. Hence, by visiting away from home out in nature, you get to explore yourself and grow. During the winter breaks, I did one such experience by exploring the snowy peaks in north-eastern India.

LO 1: Being out in nature allows you to explore yourself and the surroundings. Hence, combating nature is a part of the trek. When you are out there in the woods, you are probably making a compromise to fit in with the true sense of nature. While facing difficulties in the treks done in the past, I suppose many personal comforts can be ignored while living in the heart. Indeed, I feel that this is my strength now that I can live myself out in the jungle. I thought over the multiple experiences that I have overcome some of the other challenges after every trek, which bails me out of the struggle to live during the trek. Strengths are a simple way to boost yourself up, and hence by knowing it, you can understand your splendid side and keep up with your morale. Developing on the strength makes us stronger and keeps us on the better edge to have that opportunity to relieve that strength.

LO 2: Challenge is the essence of life, and tackling the same is the best way. While you are on the treks, you are often exposed to varied environments and nature. Although it is enjoyable, you have to encounter changes in environments as you are in the hilly region and unknown surroundings. It is challenging because when you set up a camp, you are unknown to the possible situation that might arise up—for example, health conditions or contact with poisonous plants. I have been to several treks before, and without any emergent situation, it is sporadic that you will experience the hike. Despite being physically fit, my body needs t encounter the harsh cold temperature, which gets tricky, and I used to get partial sick. However, over the treks, my body got situated with the temperatures and learned some techniques to keep my body accumulated to the temperatures. Undertaking the challenge makes me feel proud that if I have to encounter such harsh weather situations today, I will be able to do that. It doesn’t; matter that it was my weakness once, but now I am happy to face that. Undertaking new challenges empowers you to work on yourself and gain new skills.

LO 3: Organizing yourself is one of the things everyone should focus on as it allows you to follow the same rhythm to grow yourself. I am an organized person, but on the other hand, I also try to focus on the things which will come to me their way. Initiating was tricky in this activity, as it had to be done away from home and comfort implied and hence trekking on the hills in harsh weather. Discovering new skills is part of the trek every time you go and enjoy one. Weather accumulation skills are one of the best relief systems I could feel on the last hike. Next time, initiating the trekking process would be easier as I will have more skills to enjoy the trek.
It is essential to stay in the rhythm to plan and initiate activities always to have the skill to do so.

LO 4: COmmitment was necessary to go to a higher altitude every day. You are tired from trekking from the last day; you need to commit to the whole trek. You need to get up early every day and start with that same routine and work on the same beat. Commitment is required to have that desire to trek and not get tired and instead enjoy it. Being persistent and committing has been my thing but it also depends on the way I get connected to the task.

LO 5: Working with others is generally easy for me as being an extrovert I can communicate with other people with ease. Communication is the key to enjoying the trek and hence it gets much easier for me to collaborate with others. In this task, I had to work with my group in order to complete the trek and reach our high base point. Working with various people is always a point where you gain experience dealing with a diverse range of people. Collaborative behavior allows you to remain flexible while interacting with others and making them feel at ease in order to work together.

LO 6: Issues regarding climate change play a significant role in the course of a trek. Issues related to significant changes in the temperature affect the climate of the high altitude regions making make a severe impact on the health of the trekkers. Extreme high and low temperatures lead to the melting of snow caps and the environment of the regions. Climate change is a global issue to be focussed on and one of the things on which all the countries agree upon. It has a global significance as everyone is affected due to the increase in industrialization and its causes on mother nature. During the trek, we also faced issues like unpredicted weather changes which made an impact on our itinerary.

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