I enrolled myself in a dance workshop, which turned out to be a very energetic, positive, and nostalgic experience for me. Because being in high school taking out time for yourself is a tedious task so doing all of my hobbies has not been on the to-do list but enrolling in this workshop for 4 days made me recall how much I enjoyed dancing and how it made me so happy and stress-free.

LO1- identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth

As mentioned above I practiced this after a very long period of time because of which I almost lost the habit and got exhausted real quick and I regretted the reason I lost the habit. But now that I know my strengths and weaknesses I am very much certain, that I will start again and take out time for myself. Also knowing your strengths and weaknesses is really essential to brush your strengths and improve upon your weaknesses so you don’t loose yourself in the process.

LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging part was catching up with everyone in the workshop, I could not follow up easily. But having a friend by my side throughout helped me buck up and not give up on his activity. Which actually showed results, by the end I could see myself going with the flow and actually enjoying it without any hesitations. I genuinely feel very proud that I took part in this and how I recollected the old days and can work on it now.

It is essential to take up new challenges and help yourself shape the best version of yourself.

LO 3- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I decreased my screen time significantly which helped me perform in this workshop, moreover, I felt more productive and fresh. Organizing m schedule is something I prefer because it helps me complete my tasks more efficiently but I sometimes fail to adhere to it. So the initiating part is comparatively difficult. But knowing how much I enjoy this I somehow made time for this activity with no excuses. It is vital to organize yourselves and have a routine as it helps you be more efficient.

LO 4-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Not only attending a class for 4 days will help me improve but practicing it daily will make a difference so that is where I needed to commit and fit this activity into my schedule atlest for 15 minutes. Personally being persistent has never worked out for me but I tried and I see a difference with time.


I demonstrated the learner profile as “reflective” as I reflected on my experience and analyzed it hence improving. The highlight of the experience was when I was finally able to catch up.

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