Running and Cycling

Video evidence –

Fitness is one of my top priorities in my lifestyle and a small objective towards it was to have an experience. Running and cycling every weekend for at least a month was the experience I chose to accomplish these goals. This is one the most interesting way to challenge myself for my physical strengths, as for so long everything was at online and work at home due to covid-19 so I thought for to take this initiative to my CAS experience and get me back to the normal routine and getting physically fit.


Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As in the Covid period people use to work from home we were having online classes and meets as for that we use to sit at one place in one room there was complete lockdown, hence I use to have cramps problem as sit on one chair a just seeing to the flat screen was bit hard, so I thought of running and cycling a month to recover my fitness and to get back to the work with some fresh mood. My father gave me more motivation for running and cycling as to get a fresh start of new day. Identifying my own strength for running and cycling and developing my fitness.


Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As I said sitting at one place gave me cramps and lower back pain makes me to develop new skill of cycling and running. Meanwhile it bit hard to start in beginning but with the support of my father it was smoothly worked.


Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

The commitment of this CAS experience was to get back to the normal routine and getting fit in 1 month. Benefit of Cycling are : increased cardiovascular fitness, increased muscle strength and flexibility, improved joint mobility, decreased stress levels, strengthened bones, etc.

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