Reading challenge


(LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process, LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences). Reading is something that i have despised since i was a child, i would always lose my patience while sitting in one place for hours and juts read, read and read. I decided to make a goal and start developing an interest in reading which will help me in the future and i will be able to work on my patience level which is very nescessary in order for social interactions. I made a goal to read 4 book in the time span of a month, which according to me is something is out of my capability and therefore it becomes a challenge for me and also that i am a very fidgety person and someone who is not so fond of books.

It was difficult to sit in once place for an hour in the first time so i decided to take it one step at a time on the first day i sat and read 2 chapters of the book and each day i kept increasing it by 2 which made my reading growth more effecient and as for working on my patience i used to dit in one place and read for 15 mins and them again increased the time by 15 mins each day which has helped me improve me a lot with my fidgetiness. unlocking and learning new skill makes me proud of myself and shows that i have more room for growth

photos of the book and videos evidence :–jHHL6lgR4/edit

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