FSMUN (creativity)

FSMUN has been taking place at our school for a long time, and this year I decided to participate after getting encouraged by my friends. I was in the DISEC committee representing the UAE. Since I have never participated in this event before, I had no clue what to do. However, after briefing sessions and help from YouTube, I had some idea as to what to speak about and the protocols of a MUN.

Learning outcomes in focus:


Since this was my first time as a delegate, it was a completely new and challenging experience. I learnt about the general protocols and requirements of the MUN. I researched my country’s role in the agenda set as well as the perspective of other countries to know about the agenda with more clarity. However, on the first day of the MUN, I realized that I had to research in more depth and had a lack of knowledge about the role of other countries as well. Moreover, I also had to prepare a stance/speech of two minutes as to where my country is standing, be it against the agenda or in favour of it. Therefore, I could say that Day 1 was pretty challenging and I didn’t get the opportunity to put forward my ideas. However, after returning home, I prepared a much better stance with clear facts and evidence and was able to participate more on Day 2.


Although I had to prepare on my own, I still had to work with other delegates for 2 days. As an introverted person, I don’t really interact with people and MUN requires the total opposite energy. We needed to collaborate on working papers and maintain international relations with countries aligning with my country’s foreign interests. Therefore, it was a little difficult for me to express my opinions on Day 1, but I became a little familiar with people in the room on Day 2, which allowed me to take my stand on issues of global significance.


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