

We need plants to live. Due to deforestation happening at a large scale where forest lands are clearing. Which causes negative impacts such as climate change, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, global warming. CAS gave me the motivation to grow plants.

I attributed the learner profile responsible. As I was being a responsible citizen of my country who was taking initiative by growing plants and taking care of them. Planting not only benefitted me but society as well. Because the quality of air improved by filtering harmful dust and pollutants in the air which we breathe. Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. The community would be in benefit with the more amount of plants in the society.

Growing plants was a total success and I feel proud of myself for doing this service. This was a total accomplishment and enjoyable task which I did. I found myself to be interested in gardening more plants in the future.

LOR :-

L2:-  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills

I never knew how to plant and so I learned new skills of it. My challenge was difficulty in understanding the amount of water to give to plants. Also while I was planting I was confused about how much quantity of soil to use.

L4-commitment to and perseverance

I was committed to watering the plants daily and taking care of them.

 L6-engagement with issues of global significance

This is also connected with sustainable goal 15 which is life on land. Where I aimed to grow plants and to engaged with the issue of global importance. Planting is essential for building a better and more sustainable future.

 L7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I had awareness of the consequences of choices and actions in planning and carrying out CAS experiences.

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