Daily Sketches / Creativity

LO’s: (L1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth) (L2:  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills, )(L4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)

I love art and I have been practicing different mediums as well since art is necessary for my career option, I need to develop my sketching skills for my college portfolio so I’ll be sketching on daily basis on different topics to excel in my skills. I started sketching daily from July and continued for two consecutive months. I sketched on different topics such as human anatomy, facial features like eyes, nose, ears, lips; male anatomy, female anatomy, still life.

(L1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth) 

My strength in this experience was that I was familiar with art which helped me with a few sketching skills and techniques but the weakness was that I lacked a few skills like observation skills and variation of tones. I could observe improvements and development in my sketching skills by comparing the sketches in the beginning stages and the sketches in the later stages. I could observe my skills developed in light and dark tones, variations of strokes, shadows, and highlights, realistic impressions, etc. 

(L2:  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills, )

I have been inclined towards arts for almost 5 years and I look forward to continuing doing arts as designing is my career field and arts is a necessary subject. I mostly did pencil sketching to go for the basics first. My purpose for this is to excel in observation skills and sketching skills. The challenging part of this experience was to be consistent and focused while sketching and to use the correct amount of strokes in the sketch which I was able to overcome by practicing and planning a proper schedule for sketching.

(L4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences) 

I planned to sketch 2-3 objects a day considering other curricular activities. I was consistent with my work and tried to sketch as many sketches as possible. The result motivated me to be consistent as I was impressed with my work which was only possible by being consistent and practicing daily. Initially, showing the variations of strokes to differentiate the value of the object was challenging for me but as and when I practiced, I developed my skills in that area.

Throughout the process, I developed several learner profile attributes such as reflection while reflecting past learning while sketching, knowledgeable as I gained knowledge about techniques used in sketching. According to me, I have succeeded in some areas of skills but need more practice. All these learnings will be really helpful in my future artworks.  I have accomplished a certain stage where I could consider myself a developing learner who is learning and developing skills in sketching. 

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