I was curious about the testing and diagnosis of SARS-COVID 19 disease since its inception. I wanted to learn how Covid 19 rapid antigen testing is done and why is it better than other kinds of COVID testing. To satisfy my curiosity, I did an online course organized by the World Health Organization as an initiative to acquaint citizens with COVID 19 testing. I gained great insights about Rapid Antigen testing through the course. The course provided a balanced review of Rapid antigen testing explaining its advantages and limitations.
Through this experience, I showed commitment and perseverance to CAS experiences as the course was not as interesting as I expected it to be, However, I still showed commitment to the experience and completed the course. A commitment of a few hours was required every week to complete this course as it was pretty long and informative. It was difficult for me to stay committed as it is not easy for me to commit to things as I usually leave the things that I don’t find interesting. However, showing perseverance to the course benefitted me as it expanded my knowledge about Covid 19 testing.
I demonstrated engagement with issues of global significance through this CAS Experience. I Focused on the issue of the ongoing pandemic and contributed to achieving the SDG: Good Health and Well Being through my actions. The issues are important at a global level as the pandemic has influenced the lives of countless people around the world and has got many people into destitution. Knowing about these global issues has contributed to my personal growth. This is because the knowledge of these issues has helped me develop plans to serve a society which in turn has helped me build a greater sense of community. My work in this CAS activity makes me feel that the issue is very significant and requires the participation of people on a larger scale.
I recognized and considered the ethics of choices and actions as I learned that there are many ethical issues involved in Covid testing as it has to be determined that who should be tested and who should not be tested. The ethical issues did not directly affect me as I learned about the Pros and Cons of Rapid antigen testing but did not test real subjects. My opinion about the pandemic has evolved after the activity as I have realized that selecting people for testing is not easy and testing the whole population is not feasible.
I developed the learner profile “Inquirer” as I strived to nurture my curiosity about Covid 19 testing. I also developed the learner profile knowledgeable as I engaged with global issues that are important in my life and for the whole world. My CAS experience is connected with Economics as I learned how the Pandemic affected the Global Economy and why is it not feasible to test everyone. This activity benefited others as it created positive externalities for the society, this is because my consumption of the knowledge of Covid 19 benefitted society in a positive way. My learning can be helpful to the community as I can diagnose people with symptoms and read Covid 19 test results. I wish to contribute to society further from this learning by teaching other people about the things I learned through this experience.