Cycling (Activity)

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, LO3 – initiate and plan a CAS experience,
LO4 – commitment to and perseverance, LO6 – Engagement with issues of Global Significance

Cycling is a popular and enjoyable activity that has many benefits for both individuals and communities. One of the most obvious benefits of cycling is the physical exercise it provides. Riding a bike is a low-impact form of cardiovascular exercise that can improve your fitness, strength, and endurance. It’s also a great way to burn calories and lose weight. In addition, cycling is gentle on the joints, making it a good option for people unable to participate in more high-impact activities. But the benefits of cycling go beyond just physical health. Studies have shown that cycling can also improve mental health, reducing stress and anxiety and increasing happiness and well-being. It can also improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Cycling is also an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. It produces no emissions and takes up little space, making it a sustainable option for getting around. In addition, cycling can help to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality in cities. Cycling promotes social connections and a sense of community by providing a shared activity and a sense of belonging. It can also improve public health by encouraging more people to be physically active. It’s a good idea to ride with a group or a buddy, this can provide support and encouragement, and it can also be more fun. and also includes benefits like getting fit, and reducing carbon footprint. Cycling is a great activity to try. Fitness is very important in our daily life. Fitness increases our confidence in every activity we perform in our daily life. There are multiple ways of staying fit. I feel the best way is by cycling. I love cycling and It has been my hobby since my childhood. As I was in 12th grade I decided to fight examination stress. Cycling has helped me maintain my mental and physical health. I decided that as my house is 20 km far from my tuition classes so I used to get my cycle to my class in my car while going and used to ride for 20 km every weekend. I did it for nearly 6 months. Cycling also helped me fulfilling sustainable development goals as I would reduce pollution by not going back in my car. My intention behind performing this activity is just testifying my body’s ability. I have faced a lot of issues while performing this activity. my energy level used to get very low. During the initial stage, I had severe body pain but I did not stop and decided to accomplish my goal. One another reason why I did not stop myself was my health and well-being and my usage of clean energy. the time when I used to come back home after cycling my leg muscles used to get swollen even after taking extremely hot water bath. I was able to identify my strengths and then I decided to work on them, I consider cycling here as my strength and I tried to improve my health through cycling and it benefited me in 3 ways. Cycling for 20 km long made me feel like a unique person to all other students as I did a job that everyone would not have done it.
1. Saving on fuel
2. Reducing pollution
3. improving my health

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