
Origami has always been one of the most creative things to learn till now for me.I wanted it to learn because these things can be used in real life such as decorating things and talking about current generation origami is also been used in geometry and some more math concepts.Origami is also been used in math (geometry) like explaining the shapes,their similarities and symmetry.

In total , I have made 4 different origamis by going from the easiest to the hardest.The most easiest was making diya.Diyas are used for many rituals in hindu tradition like prayings.It was very easy to make diya for me it took me around 15 minutes to make it.Then  I made butterfly which became more challenging for me.I find butterflies really beautiful in nature so I just thought of creating butterfly from pink origami paper.Switching to the next level i chose to make rabbit.First of all I am an animal lovers and rabbits are one of my favorite.Making rabbit was really interesting but then it took me almost an hour to learn how to make it .

Also many times in between I was learning different folds because it was necessary for making proper folds , if there was no proper folds with edges then it would impact the product.My final origami product was dragon.I think it was one of the most challenging art till now as there were many folds and each folds require an accurate shape.Dragon is a creature which I find very interesting and also very curious to know about it.It took me approximately a day to make it as it had many folds also there were some mistakes made by me so I had to correct that mistake and make it again which took a lot of time.Practising folds was helpful if I wouldn’t have done that then it would be more difficult for making origamis.

The learning outcomes I have achieved in the cas experience is L1( Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth) .There were many instances where I had to work upon my folds so that I can improve my folding skills as folding is something which plays an important role in origami.If the folds are not accurate then the product you will get won’t get a proper shape.I am very much diverted towards these kind of interesting arts attracts me as a human being.By side 

I also achieved L2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process) as I was new to this experience.I just had basic understanding about origami.It was something very challenging for me as I am not into arts.I had to see many videos to understand what are the basic folds you must know and the techniques.It becomes easy when you practise it regularly so till my second there were no problem faced by me but from the third one easy fold became important and the shape.

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