As a part of this CAS experience, it was our goal to make the place where we live which is this city Surat a cleaner place. Surat is called one of the cleanest cities in India, but that’s only on the surface, at a closer look on the narrow streets and beaches, etc we can find loads of garbage still present. Thus as a part of this initiative, we went to the beach where we spent our time picking up the garbage there.
LOs :
LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
My friends and I conducted this cleanup, we created a group chat to communicate the date, time, and resources that we have to bring. Since we already had a group formed it wasn’t that hard to communicate in between them. And since the communication was proper the plan succeeded well without any hindrances.
LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
If an activity like this is done alone it wouldn’t make very much difference, thus here working in a group was much more effective and advantageous as it made more difference. Not only that but dividing up the resources we had to bring also made it easier, for example, one person brought trash bags another gloves and etc.
LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
As a part of the service component of the CAS experience, we are focusing on world issues such as land pollution, water pollution, toxic waste dumping, and more. Since these are some issues that pose a very big threat to our environment like contributing to global warming and thus indirectly to us humans and other organisms as well.
LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Since we are working towards the global issues and trying to take a step towards its betterment we have to incorporate the ethical issues, one of things was that the trash bags used were made out of plastic but not having any other alternative available we had to make the use of it.
All in all, it was a meaningful experience where we also showcased learner profiles like Caring as we show some concern for our planet and our environment thus this activity also benefited the environment, we were also being Reflective towards our actions and thus working on them. Another profile Communicator was also demonstrated as we planned the whole experience and communicated throughout to make sure we proceed smoothly. The highlight of this experience was when we saw the end result of our hard work ie. the clean beach and felt very good about it. Cleaning it doesn’t only benefit the environment but also helps us see the actual beauty of the place we are living in. If I did this experiment again I would probably first try to find an alternative for the plastic trash bags we used so that during focusing on one goal we don’t unintentionally ignore the other factors.