Learning to play guitar (Creativity)

When I was younger, I had a passing interest in playing the guitar. I was inspired by musicians like Ed Sheeran, but I never pursued it seriously. However, recently I decided to revisit this interest with the help of CAS. I realized that playing the guitar was not only a fun hobby but also a great way to express myself through music. I started using online resources and tutorials to learn more about the instrument and improve my skills. With regular practice, I have been able to reignite my interest in playing the guitar and am enjoying discovering new songs and techniques.

L1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for

Initially, I struggled with coordinating my hand movements while playing the guitar, particularly when it came to barre chords. This was a weakness that I identified early on, and despite practicing regularly, I found it difficult to overcome. However, with persistence and dedication, I was eventually able to improve my technique and develop better coordination in my hands. This process helped me to strengthen my skills and overcome one of my biggest weaknesses as a guitar player.

L2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Through a combination of guitar classes and self-practice at home, I was able to develop my skills and knowledge of the instrument. I learned new chords and techniques like finger bending and vibrato, which were initially challenging but eventually became second nature through hours of practice. In particular, I struggled with remembering chords like G and #(sharp), but with persistence and repetition, I was able to overcome these challenges and expand my repertoire of skills on the guitar. Overall, my commitment to consistent practice and learning helped me to develop new abilities and enhance my proficiency as a guitar player.

L3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

In order to improve my guitar skills and create a more structured practice routine, I devised a plan that involved attending a guitar class four days a week. This commitment helped me to maintain accountability and establish a consistent practice schedule. To accommodate my guitar class and effectively manage my time, I utilized calendar apps on my phone and reorganized my coursework. By prioritizing my guitar practice and utilizing organizational tools, I was able to make substantial progress in my skills and reach my goals as a guitar player. Notion was one of the apps I used to assist with this process.

L4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

In order to improve my guitar skills, I needed to persevere and remain committed to practicing consistently, even when I didn’t feel like it. To ensure that I stayed on track, I set a goal of practicing for 15 minutes every day. Although it took over two months to see progress, my consistent practice paid off, and I was able to improve my skills significantly.

In conclusion, rediscovering my passion for playing the guitar has been a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Through persistence, dedication, and a structured practice routine, I have been able to improve my skills and overcome my weaknesses. I have gained a deeper appreciation for the instrument and its ability to express emotions and tell stories through music. Playing the guitar has become a valuable outlet for me, allowing me to express myself creatively and enjoy the process of learning and developing new skills.

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