Gym ( activity)

Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores. So because of this benefits which we have through only going to gym for just a few time. So I thought of taking CAS experience as an opportunity to actually start to go to gym as I never had been going to gym in my whole life. I went to my club house gym after coming from my school, every day for 30 mins.

LO 2- Demonstrate that he challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

gyming is new to me, I have never been to gym. So gyming is an unfamiliar experience for me, which is why being determined towards doing exercise every day was new to me so developing this determination was a challenge for me. But I developed that skills slowly while I completed this experience, and this skill will future help me in easily include doing exercise in my daily routine.

LO 3- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

As it was my first time doing any gym activity I first started with researching guided videos to help me get the most effective results and also to avoid any risk of injury or any other harm, I referred to many social media platforms where I can get a authentic training tutorials like YouTube , fitness apps and instagram. So that I could get a variety of workout plans and I could choose the plan which best fit to my likings.I worked out daily for at least 30 minutes .

LO 4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

As being a lazy person I set out clear realistic goals, having a clear idea of what I want to achieve through gyming.This helped me stay focused and motivated. Then I established a regular gym routine that will not disturb my daily study time table so That I could not get any excuses for skipping the daily gym routine. This helped me stay focused and motivated. Doing the same exercise was boring for me and demotivated me. So I made it interesting by mixing up my gym routine by trying new exercises or switching up my workout plan.

Learner profile-

responsible- through this experience I become more responsible towards my body as everyone has its responsibility having a fit and healthy body, so that you good maintain a happy and healthy life.


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