Beach Cleaning (Activity-Service)

Coastlines are important because they provide unique homes for marine plants, animals, and insects. Beaches are many of the very calmful and peaceful places on Earth because we get natural vibes that make our spiritual well-being very healthy. Mentally we are relaxed due to the soothing fresh air and gentle sounds of water. As a group of 5 people in the school, we decided to make a club for the cleanliness of coastlines and beaches and for that we went to the most crowded beach in the city.

The learning outcome achieved while doing this activity is LO1. This is because I identified my own strengths by making a community and getting people together for social work. This skill was never recognized by me in past. The weakness or the areas to develop was time management because when we went for cleaning up it was too late around 12 PM and people were tired so the dust was not collected as much as possible.

Another learning outcome achieved while doing this service is LO2. I took a challenge to take 10-12 people for the service on weekends. Many people wish to rest on weekends and they really don’t care about coastlines and other areas so it was a challenge for me to convince people to come with us for social work. I developed a new skill which is to convince people.

LO3 was also catered to when doing this service/activity because I introduced a CAS plan and it was also executed so well. I organized myself by waking up early and do the arrangements like collecting dust pans, brooms, gloves, and polybags, and calling every member of the club. Planning was far easier than executing. It is important for us to plan the activities and initiate them because it gives us a lot of practical experience and knowledge.

The LO5 was also catered to when I was doing this experience because it was initially difficult for me to work with others but slowly and steadily everything was done easily and the group project was successfully finished. It was easy for me to work with others. I had difficulties contacting the club members which was easily handled by me by allotting the workload to every group project member. It is important to work collaboratively with others because it helps us to get new ideas and support when we struggle somewhere. The importance of teamwork was there because it helped in handling the problems and leadership was important because it motivates others and the vision is clear to achieve the goals.

To conclude, I went to a most populated beach to clean it along with my club members. I developed new skills which will really help me in my practical life.

A video of Beach Cleaning.

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