Garba (Creativity, Activity)

Garba is a folk dance of the state of Gujarat in India. This dance is done when there is the festival of Navratri. Many traditional garbas are performed around a centrally lit lamp or a picture or statue of the Goddess Shakti. Traditionally, it is performed during the nine-day Hindu festival which is also known as Navratri. The word Nav and Ratri means 9 nights. This title is given because they do the Garba for 9 nights during this festival.

The learning outcomes I gained while doing the Garba were LO 1, LO 2, and LO 5.

By LO 1, I had identified my strengths and weaknesses while learning the Garba. There are several Garba steps that are performed at this festival. There are 6, 10, 12, 14, 22, 32, 39, 64. The strength was that I learned the Garba steps till 32 in a very short duration. The weakness was, the steps were not clear when performing the folk Dance. Knowing our strengths and weaknesses is important because it gives us feedback on ourselves to improve. Also, it motivates us by knowing our strengths.

LO 2 was also gained while doing the Garba because there were challenges that I took to learn the steps of the Garba. The challenges were to coordinate and do the Garba in rhythm and it is the most difficult task for anyone to do when learning the Garba. I overcame this challenge by practicing more. It is essential for us to take on new challenges while learning skills if we do take challenges then we will be able to excel in that skill

LO 5 was another outcome that I gained while doing the Garba. This has allowed me to perfectly match the synchronization with all the people who were doing the Garba. This is where I demonstrated skills in group work and the benefit of working collaboratively was the art expressed in the form of folk dance.

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