I personally am extremely fond of jewellery. However I am extremely carless when it comes to real jewellery that includes gold, silver and diamonds. Hence I decided to make bracelets by myself as a part of my CAS experience. I thought this experience would be extremely difficult and tiring, however it turned out to be the exact opposite.
Learning Outcomes:
LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
I think that this was something particularly new for me because I usually buy store bought bracelets and then wear them. However this was something that was different. I got to work and I asked a few of my friends who own small businesses for different ideas and different styles of bracelets. This was a new skill that I was developing because I have never done something of this sort. I got so used to buying bracelets that I forgot how challenging it is to come up with new ideas and styles for the bracelets.
LO3- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
LO3 was a learning outcome I thought would not be catered but it ended up playing a major role in this CAS experience. I got so engrossed in making new bracelets that I kept on doing it every time I found some spare time. I then had to plan and promise myself that I would not make more than 2 bracelets a day because I would end up choosing making bracelets over completing my assignments. I believe initiating the CAS experience was much easier than actually planning it.