Cooking is a basic skill that everyone is recommended to learn.
It is very important for students like me who are planning to study abroad after the 12th as there will be no one to cook for us and we will have to do everything on our own in order to survive and stay healthy. I learned to make pasta and eggs.
Learning outcome 1:(Identify own strength and develops areas of growth).
I am a big foodie, and cooking was something I did not know at all. In cooking patience is most important as things take time to go get cooked properly, I could not wait for so long and used to get impatient, but while cooking I also developed my patience level.
Learning outcome 2:(Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process).
Cooking was really difficult for me as I had never done it before.
From operating the stove to getting the food to the right temperature in order for it to get cooked properly. There were many difficulties along the way for example getting a finger cut while chopping and ext. But it was a great experience of learning new skills and cooking.