Playing Drums

I first learned to play drums when I was 8. Since then I used to go to music class and practice drums on the drum pad and play in concerts as well. Since the situation of this Covid pandemic occurred, music classes were closed and I could not practice for a long time. Because of lack of practice for quite a long time, my hand movement had gotten slow and my kicks were not fast enough. So I decided that I had to start practicing again to get back on track.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.
With the help of my drum sir, I could identify my strengths and weaknesses. As I played drums for 8 years and I was into music for quite a long time I and my sir identified that I had a pretty good sense of music which used to help me catch any beat just by listening to the songs. On the other hand, I also identified my weakness that my hand movement and kicks had gotten slow due to which I was not able to play more than half of the beats and songs which was stopping me to grow in the thing where I was good at. So I thought that with all the time, hard work, and dedication that I have shown throughout the years and got so far in that particular field I cannot let all of that go away and so I decided that I will start practicing again and I started doing my hand movement on the practice pad which helped me loosen my wrist and have better movement.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
At first, it got really difficult for me to play fast songs and play drums for a long time. The maximum time I could play drums was for 5 minutes at a time which was less compared to before as my muscles were not used to me playing drums for a long time and so I used to get cramps and my muscles used to get hard after a few minutes of playing drums. Then to solve this problem whenever I used to get cramps or my muscles got harder, I didn’t stop playing which helped me in getting my muscles to lose and used to playing drums for a longer time and also improved upon my endurance.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
The instance when I had to show perseverance and commitment was when Covid occurred because at that time I was not able to go outside and to my music classes and so I missed my practice so I bought a drum at my home so that I could practice, but even after getting a drum, I could not practice every day because a lot of work that was given from school. But still, I tried to give 1 hour a day to playing drums. Sometimes I used to be busy the whole day but still, I used to practice late at night for at least an hour, which has helped me play drums like I used to play before.

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