For this experience, I started working out at the gym which would increase my strength and overall physique. I’ll be able to get my fitness to a new level. Through trainers and consistency, I developed my physique and fitness. I started on 8th Jan 2021. Initially, I was only able to lift 30kgs in chest press and 50kg in quads but now I am able to lift 50kg in chest press and 65kg in squats.

LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

My strengths were commitment, lifting experience in the past. My weaknesses were a history of back injury and Osgood-Schlatter.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

There were way more challenges than I expected, the main challenge was a strength because, after covid, it was my first time doing any activity. To overcome this, I started doing the same consistently.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

To plan this out I used a variety of equipment such as kettlebell, deadlift machine, leg press machine, and many more. I also kept track of my weight lifting capacity.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

Initially making myself completely indulged was time-consuming. but eventually, I started enjoying the sport instead of feeling the pressure on me. It was extremely difficult to take out the time between schoolwork, tuition, and other extracurriculars. At many times, it got very stressful and I tended to prioritize schoolwork and deadlines over this. Nevertheless, I demonstrated commitment and I believe I achieved my goal and its vision.

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