Monsoon Musings is an event held at Fountainhead where everybody, from students to the school staff, gets an opportunity to present their written work. It opens a window into new stories and every new story endures a journey. Through this experience I was able to gain courage and express one of my write-ups that’s really close to my heart with other passionate writers.
LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Preparing a write-up for the event was simple for me because writing is one of my strengths but when it came to presenting my work I became nervous. My anxiety became my weakness in this situation but learning to deal with it helped me grow as a person.
LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
It was challenging for me to confidently recite my piece in front of others who know me but still don’t know me. My anxiety in this scenario was holding me back. To overcome this challenge, I stood in front of the mirror and practiced reciting my poem. My friends were also very supportive, they gave me the needed feedback and hyped me up before my performance so I feel confident and appreciated for my work.
Monsoon Musings was an amazing experience for me. Looking back, I’m happy I participated in it since it helped me improve on my delivery as a writer and I grew as a human being by dealing with my social anxiety. After the end of my performance, everybody came up to me to appreciate my work and applauded me which was a very nice feeling.