Experience 6 – Learning Basketball

Discription :

In this CAS experience I will be learning the sport of basketball, scene my childhood I was interested in the sport of basketball and with this I got a chance to learn it. I will be going through training with my coach to learn the basic of the basketball and will be sharpening the skills in the sport, learning to be a team player and dedicating my time to learn it.


  • L1 : ( Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth )

Basketball is a sport which requires multiple skills form, team coordination to different shooting skills. As this sport was new to me I faced difficulty in learning during my first week, but with the help of my coach we figured my strengths and weakness. With this we made a schedule to improve on my weakness and with the guidance I was able to conquer my goal of learning the basics of the game.

  • L2 : ( Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills )

Basketball is a game where we constantly need to run from one end to another, with the lockdown I had lost all my endurance significantly which is why endurance was my biggest challenge, withing 2 weeks I was able to perform basic skills and then the schedule that we made also helped me work upon this and with the coach’s help he suggested different exercise I can do on my own to develop this. Side by side I learnt the game of basketball and sharpened my skill of shooting.

  • L4 : ( commitment to and perseverance )

Learning a new sport is not a short term activity, as it took hours and weeks to accomplish even the smallest things, which is why I had to commit myself to atleast work upon it for more than a hour for more than 3 days a week. I even had to manage my time due to this as I had studies to do in school too. With the commitment I was able to achieve my goal.

  • L5 ( Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively )

Basketball is a team game, which is where the collaborative skills came in play. We had different drills that my coach kept during the training, where we synced ourselves with other players for passing shooting and layups, as one person cannot beat a team, we had to play as one. Even the smallest error like wrong pass or wrong timed pass could be the factor of losing the game.

Take Away:

This CAS experience helped me in multiple ways, from learning a new game to becoming a team player. I learned basics of basketball, like dribbling and shooting. I also learned how effective a team can be when they coordinate in multiple ways. I developed the skill of time management as I had to give atleas a hour for 3 days a week with studying side by side.

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