5. meditation and yoga.Activity.

my purpose for selecting this CAS experience is that I face anger issues. So meditating and doing yoga at least 15 minutes a day would help me out as it allows me to reflect on what I am going to be doing further in the day or what I have already done and also calm my mind down. this CAS experience comes under activity as their physical exertion contributes to a healthy lifestyle.

the learning outcomes for this experience are Lo-1, Lo-2, and Lo-7. learning outcome number 1 is to identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth. So I identified my own strengths on where I was lacking good behavior and where I was right or wrong. I developed areas for growth such as respecting elders and respecting everyone’s perspectives on stuff as not everybody thinks like me.

learning outcome number 2 was Demonstrating that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.so, there were many challenges that were undertaken such as respecting other perspectives. there were also new skills that were being developed such as it helped me remain calm, reduce anxiety, and helping me stretch my body out while doing yoga.

learning outcome number 7 was recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and action. so meditating and doing yoga helped me recognize and consider the actions I was taking when I was angry and helped me not do them in the future.it helped me stay calm and reduce the stress and anxiety I was gaining.

the learner profile attribute for this is balanced as I will be identifying different aspects of my life emotionally to achieve good well-being myself. which will allow me to calm myself down when I am angry which helps me stay in a good manner in the world we live in.

the conclusion of this CAS experience was that remaining calm and thinking through your decisions will help you become a better version of yourself.

here are 2 pictures of me doing meditation and then yoga at the same time.

cobra(yoga pose)

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