LO’s : (L1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, L2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills, L4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)
In order to pursue design and arts as my career ahead, sketching is the basic need that is required in both the fields. One must know how to communicate ideas visually and also can show detailing in their idea through sketching. Sketching helps improve observational skills by helping focus on details.
I took sketching as my CAS experience to further build a habit of sketching, making it a habit and enhancing my observational skills which is surely going to help me in the future. I decided to sketch on different subjects such as human anatomy, product sketching and caricatures. I faced difficulties in getting perspectives and proportions right. In order to overcome these challenges I started drawing one point, two-point perspective drawings then for proportion I made sketches by using the reference in Victor Perard’s drawing book.
I sketched human faces from different angles and products. I made sure that I make this a habit and I did set a goal of making at least one male sketch, one female sketch, one horse sketch and a product sketch. I use alarms in the morning and get up early in the morning and sketching or do it in the evening and then sometimes sketch by using a pen and pencils.