CAS reflection – FSMUN OC

For my CAS experience I chose to volunteer as an organising committee member in the FS MUN 8.0, something I couldn’t have thought to apply for if it weren’t for my CAS experience. As intriguing that it sounds and as fun as it was, it was tough as some points. It took us 2 months of brainstorming, planning and executing.

LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

  • When we began to plan, every OC member was supposed to be given a set of responsibilities based on their expertise. I have a creative hands, so I was assigned the role of one among the 2, decor heads, and was responsible for packages as well. My weakness was accounts, which came into picture when we decided on materials, hence I was keen enough to recheck all my calculations and bills. As I was self-aware I payed more attention towards that which also made me trust my accounts and made me more confident in my calculations and organisation too.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

  • During the finalisation of which materials to buy and things to put in the packages, we came across a hurdle, due to miscalculation by the core committee our budget changed/decreased, which put us in grave trouble, cause we had to rethink and re decide everything based on the new budget. This cam as a challenge, which we faced calmly, we made a list of all the objects and searched for cheaper alternatives by visiting stores, then we finalised based on the costing

LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

The execution of our ideas and thoughts required us to organise ourselves so we could deliver them in the best possible manner. I can say I count organising as one of my strengths, hence it became easier for me to execute my ideas. Planning was something, me and my peers completed easily, we used our creativity with both the social media marketing and the decorating, we designed layouts and prototypes to help us ease the process afterwards. When it comes to execution we faced difficulty, with measurement inaccuracies, lack of resources, access of resources in some cases, etc. managing with the time-limit, we did face difficulty. But throughout this process I came across a skill I didn’t know I had, when we came across a challenge, I could see myself take charge and come up with a solution. I discovered that I possessed a skill of problem solving. With the help of this experience, I now know I need to be more precise and accurate when I plan, and that I should plan for unexpected problems too.

LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

It took us months to execute our planning, and during this time we were required to be persistent. There were several tasks to be completed within a short time span, in order to complete these tasks one needs to be committed and persistent. We needed to check of things out of the to do list, from finalising materials to buying them and then putting it together. We needed to come to school regularly and attend meetings regularly so that the functioning is smooth. It wasn’t easy to commit as some points it was tedious and difficult to take time out of my schedule and complete stuff, there was a time when we went out to get the materials and they weren’t available due to which we had to go again to get the things which was tiresome and took a lot of time too.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively.

I am usually a social person, so it wasn’t difficult to mingle with others, although working with others was at time a challenge. We all had different opinions and when clashed it was difficult to be productive, but we started talking to each other and tried explaining each others perspective which did make it easier for us to function. While volunteering one has to collaborate with others, there are several people doing their duties and when it comes together the event becomes a success, lack of collaboration can lead to inefficiency.

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