Learning a new sport is always fun, and it has always been a curiosity and willingness inside of me to learn new and different sports. One of the first sports which came into my mind for a unique learning experience was lawn tennis, the reason being that I love playing badminton and table tennis, both of which are pretty much related directly and indirectly with lawn tennis, and personally, I have a soft corner for racket sports and as lawn tennis is one of them it was one of my first preferences.
LO -1:Identify your own strengths and develop areas of growth. Personally, my agility through the court is pretty decent because of my experience in badminton. It further helped me to grasp skills faster and better, and personally, lately, due to muscle growth in my body, I was able to hit the ball pretty hard and also learned to smash serve. The areas which I had to work upon were specifically maintaining a good rally and not hitting the ball too low on the racket.
Lo -2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. At first, after the service, I could only hit 1 or 2 shots before hitting the ball into the net or out of the court. I had to develop control over the ball in order to overcome this hurdle, and after a few months of practice, I could finally hit 4 to 5 shots and maintain a rally without any hindrance.
Lo -4: Show commitment to perseverance in CAS experiences. I was committed to not hitting the ball into the net or out of the park, as well as maintaining agility in the court and not getting tired and putting my endurance to good use, and not getting exhausted early before the match ends. I used to play lawn tennis almost every day, sometimes alternate days, but with some consistency, I learned it and grasped new skills pretty quickly.
In all I can say that it was a fun experience playing another racket sport after badminton, it was something totally new for me, and I could have done a better job by planning days on which I would practice certain shots to improve my technicality in the game. This time I wasn’t able to manage my time well and had a few major gaps in between playing in which I sometimes lost all of my performance and had to play 10 to 15 more days to get back to where I was.