Painting and sketching have always been my favorite hobby as a kid and I’ve been an art student for 3 years but I did not continue. I wanted to start painting and sketching human figures, still life, and landscapes again to sharpen up my skills and to balance my life. Painting and sketching helped me relax and I could focus on myself and my hobbies. I would still like to continue this experience in the future.
Learning outcomes
LO1: Identify owns strengths and develops areas for growth – As mentioned, sketching and painting are my hobby and I wasn’t able to continue due to some reasons. I identified that painting has been my strength and I wanted to develop some of my skills. Painting helped me focus on myself and it made me learn time management and balance in life. I was able to focus on my studies better as my mind was relaxed.
LO4: Show commitment to and preserving in CAS experience.: I painted on cartridge sheets and canvases, I’ve preserved them and have also hung a few on my wall. I am still continuing with the CAS experience as it makes me happy. I’ve completed almost 3 to 4 mini canvas with acrylic, 2 human body paintings on a sheet with acrylic and il pastels. I also have some work-in-progress artworks.
I faced some difficulties in resource management as I required more material every day and I getting more material and the exact material is difficult sometimes not all shops provide everything but later luckily I found a shop only for art materials near me.