Running and cycling (Activity)

Participating in track and field events, riding bicycle at my farmhouse and going swimming after school has been a huge part of my childhood and even my primary school years. I continued track and field classes and participation in my middle years of school. I dropped all of them eventually through the years. As part of my CAS (activity), I planned to start going on morning run and indoor cycling to maintain balance in my schedule.

Learning objective 1: Identify  own strengths and develop areas for growth.

Running has always been my strength and have won inter house competitions, Khel Mahakumbh and other school competitions. I have always participated in short distance events such as 100 meters and 200 meters events. I grow in these areas and reduce my time while sprinting.

Learning objective 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging skill for me to develop is to start doing long distance runs which is difficult for my given that I have always done sprinting short distance runs. Running long distance will be slow, paced and balanced run to increase the distance. It was very difficult for to increase the distance eventually, I started from scratch and my father was very helpful with stretching and diet required before and after running because my father participates in half marathons. I was able to run all together 4 to 5 KM and I am aiming for 6 to 7 KM in the coming month.

Learning objective 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I initiated the CAS experience with the inspiration from my dad as it was very helpful for him to maintain balance, maintain fitness and he was able to reduce weight. I was only doing it for maintaining balance in my schedule and wanted to continue running as I did in my middle years of school. I wanted a balanced schedule for improvement in health and it increased flexibility, it helped me in mood control and i was able to resist the fatigue due to hectic schedule and it boost my appetite to some extent. I want to continue running and start making goals for myself.

Learning objective 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I would like to continue morning runs in order to develop and create goals for myself. I have doing since september and the last run I has was 1st October.


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