Crumple art event was one initiative taken to support sustainability, through waste mitigation strategies. By recycling and reusing used paper in a simplified process to generate new sheets of paper. Crumple art event was one of those initiatives taken by grade 11 students to take a small step comparatively towards promoting sustainability but an immense thought to begin with. The motive behind the action was to help reduce deforestation and comply against the misuse of paper. The project amplified on how simple, affordable and uncomplicated the method to reuse the paper is which can help protect the environment. The recycled papers were hence donated to NGOs. This event motivated and encouraged many individuals in saving plants and employing ways to reduce misuse of paper and promote sustainability.The aim of the event was to process a lot of used and waste paper into a mache combined with glue as a binding agent to create a wet mixture. Further the volunteers churned it on a strainer inside a water tub, thus producing a sheet and placed it for drying. A lot of physical exertion was required for the process.
Learning Outcomes Achieved:
LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills
The challenges undertaken by me during the experience were that as this process of recycling paper was completely new and unknown and foreign to our knowledge, it was quite strenuous and difficult to execute the process with perfection.We had a mission of producing at least 200 papers in 1 and a half hours with utmost perfections as the papers had to be donated to NGOs for further use. As I didn’t possess any experience of recycling any materials, so I had no clue how to set the standards for the recycled papers. The main procuring challenge throughout the process was that we had to be really careful to place the mache paper turned into a sheet onto the cloth, even a droplet of water or shift of the cloth underneath could affect the texture and surface quality of the paper.
LO 4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
A lot of commitment was required to reach a goal, we as a group had to work really hard and show a sense of responsibility in attaining a goal of at least 200 papers, even though a lot of physical exertion was required, it was important to show commitment in our interest for the activity along with full attention while executing the method so that we do not mess up any pieces during the procedure.
L5 (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)
As strenuous as the process was to attain a goal of producing at least 700 minimum recycled paper as well as time consuming and it requires a lot of physical exertion and labor. As the speed of an individual producing paper will be comparatively less to machinery. Hence working in a team and collaboratively was a sought out option is achieving the criteria of the experience. Hence a large number of volunteers and organizing committee assisted in producing over 700 good quality paper for the donation.
L6( Engagement with issues of global significance)
Deforestation and climate change has been a significant repercussions that people are facing globally, which affects the human’s health in a negative way.The issue that we will be focusing on is reducing deforestation and the misuse of paper, through this assistance of this activity, we will concentrate on waste mitigation strategies in terms of reusing and recycling papers for better use. This will function as an initiative and approach to help cities and communities become more sustainable and cleaner and the end of the life disposal cycle of paper will be procured as minimizing the landfill waste and implying a circular flow to recycle and reuse the used paper. Hence this will act as a major but small step taken to encourage sustainability. Thus the SDG goals of sustainable cities and communitie and climate action along with life on Earth will be obtained.
L7- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
This project might not be a large step in reducing the Deforestation, but is the start of people and individuals realizing their ethics of choices and actions in wasting paper. This project will attain in making people cautious and reflect on the ethical implication caused by their actions in daily routines and the event will eventually spread awareness to individuals and then will reach communities.
The learner profile attributes that we developed as a result of this CAS experience were knowledgeable, reflective, and caring. Knowledgeable was achieved consistently throughout the experience as we got to discover a simplified yet amazing and fun technique to reuse and recycle used paper, hence a lot of knowledge was acquired throughout the process. Reflective and caring were demonstrated through reflecting on our actions and providing an incentive to care for the wastage and deforestation driven by humans. This drives us as an approach to awaken us and start applying sustainable methods in our daily routines.