
Photography has always been a hobby for me and I have always been wanting to pursue it. I got a chance for the same in November when I went for my trek at Sandakphu Phalut, a hike provided by Indiahikes. On this trip, I was able to capture various memories through my mature photography camera and was able to bring back a lot of memories. Not only this, but I was also able to improve on skills in terms of visuals and photography. Through the experience, I became better at the craft and was able to learn from my mistakes.

Learning Outcome 1:

The main factor through which I was able to moderate my areas of improvement was my strengths and weaknesses. Making this table helped me to see where I was in need of progress and where I would have to spend less of my time practicing and how I would be able to bring about any sort of improvement. Not only this, the strengths and weaknesses worked as a tool of guidance through which a sense of direction could be formed as a base for the process.

Learning Outcome 2:

The main challenge that had been undertaken was the challenge of the setting and positioning. These are some of the main components that need to be taken into consideration whenever photography is done. As most of the trip took place on a rocky trail, it was difficult to take photographs that were symmetrical and even. Other challenges that were looked into were the photo limit, light, and range of the camera. A photo limit meant I had to choose which photos I had to take wisely. Light meant that I had to edit the photos and range meant that I had to look into how far the camera could capture photos

Learning Outcome 4:

Even though I was on a trail that required a lot of attention to passing, I still had to show commitment to the photography process. The importance of commitment and patience is that both are required if you wish to capture photos that are memorable and impactful. Not only this, but commitment also helped me improve my skills and increase my respect for the craft. Commitment meant that I was determined and aimed to produce exceptional pieces of photography.


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