This project was planned to commence peer learning assistance mainly for Grade 9 and 10 students. We aimed to gather volunteers from Grade 11 and help the MYP students to receive quality guidance from us. This program was solely conducted to help the students understand their curriculum properly and help them avoid the mistakes that we made to get better results overall. This service project was helpful for them as we assisted each student personally in the subjects they needed help with. We had gathered overall 15+ volunteers assisting students in various subjects like IH, Math, English, and Sciences. We piled up all our MYP resources and shared them with the students and gave them extra practice material for every subject.
I organized my time considering how much effort I needed to put in here, I made a list of tasks that I need to accomplish in order to execute this program successfully. I coordinated with every student individually to understand their need for assistance from us, we also created common plan sheets for all the volunteers to keep updating on their sessions and the help they’re providing. It was important for us to plan this program properly considering all the problems that we might face, like the time schedule for conducting sessions, approaching tests and exams which will keep up busy, etc.
The commitment was required from everyone including the students and the volunteers to coordinate with each other for conducting required sessions. What made it difficult was that there was a lack of responses for the MYP students, the volunteers approached them several times but a few students didn’t take the initiative to respond.
It is easy for me to commit to tasks, this was something that I was really looking forward to and was happily contributing in every area of the program. The goal that I kept in mind was to help the students avoid making the mistakes that we as DP students made by providing one-on-one guidance in the subjects, hence this goal kept me motivated throughout and I was determined to provide help in any way I can.
Working with everybody who volunteered in this program was a bit challenging since many volunteers weren’t fully committed to the tasks and weren’t taking the initiative to input their time and effort. Volunteers weren’t collaborating as required hence, we had to constantly make adjustments. It was necessary for everyone to provide supervision and guidance to the student to increase the productivity of work and achieve the targetted goal.
The overall global issue that we focused on was Quality education, this project helped us achieve the same. We made sure to contribute our time in every area needed for the students to improve in their studies. Providing Quality education is a necessity that can’t be compromised, people who don’t have the opportunity to experience quality education are leading to poor learning outcomes everywhere in the world.
Knowing the importance of Quality Education in society motivated me to make a change in society even if it’s not a huge one. Organizing this program was a success and I am satisfied with the initiative that I took.
The ethical issues that I faced were that conducting this program had a huge risk of the grade 11 volunteers not being a reliable source for the students to depend on. We aren’t professionally qualified to perform this task, the resources that we shared were the ones that we personally referred to during our MYP years, and distributing it to the students feels ethically wrong. However, executing the program with good intentions was what we looked forward to and hence, it’s a principled initiative that we took.
Final Takeaway:
This program was a huge turnout and we successfully achieved our goal. I’m proud of organizing this project and am satisfied that the MYP students had extra guidance from their seniors. We received feedback from the students and they gave an excellent review of the help they received.