
I was interested in fitness for a long time which led me to start resistance training and improve my fitness even further. I focused on increasing my strength and cardiovascular endurance which would further help me improve my overall fitness. To achieve this, I went to the gym to work out regularly for 2 months.

LO1: (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses on the first day itself. My strength was exercises focusing on the lower body such as squats and deadlifts. However, my weakness was movements such as pull ups. Also I had very low cardiovascular endurance making it difficult for me to run long distances. After identifying my weaknesses, it made it easier for me to improve upon it as I was able to set a definite goal. I worked on my weakness by running everyday and increasing the distance with each run. This greatly helped me improve my cardiovascular endurance. I also started with dead-hangs on the pull up bar and then gradually progressed to doing pullups.

LO2: (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills)

A lot of exercises were challenging for me as I lacked the strength required to perform them. Also, the fact that I have not done anything similar before made it even harder. I overcame this challenge by starting with easier variations of the movement and then gradually progressing into the actual exercise. Having undertaken this challenge made me feel great as it helped me move out of my comfort zone and try something new. It is important to take challenges as it helps you develop as a perosn. By undertaking challenges and then overcoming them, I developed new skills in the process. I was able to run long distances, do several pullups and pushups, and do some yoga poses at the end of the workout regime. These new skills make me feel proud of my self as I have worked hard to learn them. It is important to learn new skills as they help you grow and explore new things in life.

LO3: (Initiate and plan a CAS experience)

I Organized myself using time blocks on my google calender so that I can manage to spend time in the gym along with my other tasks. I am not usually an organized person which made it difficult for me to plan my timetable each day and take out time for gym. Doing this everyday made me realize that it is easy for me to follow a schedule once I have made it and I stay commited to the schedule easily. This will make it easier for me to plan or initiate anything in the future as I have discovered my exceptional planning and scheduling skills. I also realised that planning is an important task as it helps us achieve our priorities in the limited time we have.

LO4: (Commitment and perseverance)

Commitment and perseverance was necessary in this activity as I had to go to the gym everyday even when I had soreness in muslces. This made this activity feel a lot more difficult than I expected it to be. I had to be commited to the gym and workout everyday in order to achieve my goals. The fact that I am not good at staying commited to things made it exceptionally difficult for me to complete it. However, going to the gym and working out everyday made me realise the importance of perseverance and commitment. I realised that commitement is crucial as it makes you more disciplined and successful.

I developed the learner profile “Balanced” through this activity as I had to balance different aspects of my life to cater to my physical well being. I also developed the learner profile “Risk-Taker” as I was faced with challenges and I successfully overcomed all the challenges. This activity also benefitted others as I served as an inspiration for other people who wanted to get into fitness. The highlight of the experience for me was the process of learning new skills and seeing myself improve everday. My perspective of fitness changed drastically after this experience as I realised how difficult it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I achieved success in my experience and it made me greatfull of the effort I put into it. It also bought a sense of accomplishment to me. If I was given the chance of doing this activity again, I wouldn’t want to change anything.


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