Service (CAS experience)
Neighborhood is where we live and have daily interactions with people around us, as it is a resedential area it is found to be littered due to which the environment is polluted and it also affects the life on land like the animals that are found in the area. No one would like thwir home to be littered or live in an unhygenic manner LO’S : (LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively, LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance)
To help keep the environment clean and make the life on land healthier i chose to do neighbourhood cleaning because it not only helps keep the environment clean but it also makes me a responsible citizen. Take actions to help preserve nature, with the help of team work we were able to acieve a goal that was set. Collaberating made the work easier and less stressful and tiring, one person alone cannot take responsibility for a cause that is as huge as cleaning. I personally believe that if one person take initiative then other start involving themselves too to make and see a good change, the cleaning was done 2-3 times a month. This problem is important globally because dumping waste on tourist attractions makes it dirty, unhygenic and problamtic for the animals and people around, Taking up responsibilty to keep my surroundings clean made me realise that no one will like their home to be dirty then why the inequality with the environment, it made me realise how it is contributing to climate change and us humans being irresponsible