Oxygen is a need we all want to live and breathe. Due to deforestation amount of oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere is decreasing due to this, scarcity of oxygen is leading to the loss of people’s lives. Using the help of Econova I planted 10 trees on open ground on the date of.
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience
The thing which made this activity difficult was that we need to dig the holes ourselves and plant trees and cover them as well. Planting and covering is easy but the tough thing is digging up 10 holes in any muddy area. I had a goal of planting a minimum of 5 trees so I started digging up. With extra enthusiasm, I dinged 10 holes and for the betterment of the environment, I planted in each of the holes.
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
The issue was that due to oxygen level going down in the time of COVID is a big issue. I have personal experience of death by COVID and shortage of oxygen, so that’s why I was willing, with full potential planting trees. After knowing about this I would plant more trees at home/neighborhood, surroundings where I can find a vacant place.
Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
The ethical issues were that there are bugs and insects living in the mud. While digging up holes sometimes maybe we may different them or accidentally kill them. This issue made me feel bad as for making our world better we are damaging others.