Crumple, is an initiative that not only recycle paper through simplistic and affordable methods but also teach others to do so, making a valuable contribution in the fight to save our planet. Reusing paper reduces pollution in numerous ways and by doing this Crumple is able to reduce paper waste. By volunteering at Crumple I was able to learn a lot and do my part in helping the environment.
LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
I had never attempted paper making before and at first the process seemed quite complicated. However with the help of the project initiators I was able to develop the skills necessary and learn the art of paper recycling. One of the challenges was that this was a time-consuming process which could not be done effectively in school hours. TO overcome this, I went for an early in and did the work.
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
One or two people doing this would not have made a significant impact, however, by working collaboratively I was able to work with a group that shared the same ideology and we were able to recycle a lot of paper. Project Crumple has till date made more than 700 papers all through recycled means. This is a product of combined efforts and teamwork.
LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
Climate Change and pollution are issues of vast global significance. This experience allowed me to do my part in solving the problem. Normally, making paper requires tons and gallons of wood, water and chemicals. This alternative of handmade recycling paper made from old notebooks and used paper is an eco-friendly alternative which helped me to positively contribute to the environment and reduce pollution.
LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
Choices we make such as wasting or recycling paper have an impact on our surrounding environment and therefore long term health and well-being of our planet. By taking part in initiatives that work for the betterment of the environment, I was able to take an action which is ethical and beneficial. While paper recycling may seem like a small aspect of overcoming the current extent of environmental degradation, it is a step we can take to reduce deforestation. Every year 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are cut down to serve various purposes such as paper making, a large fraction of used paper goes to waste, consequently causing the loss of a potential resource.