L2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills;L5. Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively;L6. Engagement with issues of global significance

Participating in IP Model United Nations (MUN) conference was a valuable and enriching experience for me. MUN is a simulation of the United Nations where students assume the roles of ambassadors from different countries and work together to solve global issues.

One of the most valuable aspects of MUN for me was the opportunity to develop my public speaking skills. As a delegate, I had to deliver speeches in front of a large audience and defend my country’s position on various issues. This was challenging at first, but with practice and feedback from my peers, I was able to improve my confidence and delivery.

Another important aspect of MUN was the opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectives. As a member of a diverse delegation, I had the chance to interact with students from all over the world and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and issues faced by different countries. This was particularly enlightening for me, as it helped me to see the world from a different perspective and appreciate the complexity of global issues.

In addition to these skills, I also had the opportunity to develop my research, writing, and negotiation skills. MUN required me to research a wide range of issues and write position papers and resolutions, which required me to clearly articulate my thoughts and defend my position. Furthermore, MUN also gave me the opportunity to practice my negotiation skills as I had to work with other delegates to find common ground and come to a compromise on various issues.

Lastly, MUN helped me to develop my leadership skills. As part of the MUN team, I was responsible for organizing and leading meetings, delegating tasks, and working collaboratively with my peers. This helped me to better understand the importance of effective communication, teamwork, and time management.

Overall, participating in a MUN was a valuable and rewarding experience. It allowed me to develop a wide range of skills, learn about different cultures and perspectives, and work with a diverse group of students from all over the city to solve global issues. It also helped me to appreciate the complexity of global issues and the importance of effective communication, teamwork, and leadership in solving them.

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