Gym Training

L1.Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth;L2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills;L3. Initiate and plan a CAS experience;L4. Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I was always interested in sports and tried to stay fit until the lockdowns due to covid-19 because of which I gained a lot of weight and took up gym as an opportunity to build back my endurance, strength and stamina. I consistently followed my gym routine for 3 months and am still determined and motivated.

I have developed areas of growth in gym by exercising every day which is out of my comfort zone.I have developed new skills like running for longer durations and picking up more weight.Commitment was one of the most important things you have to keep in mind to continue my gym training

When I first started, I was uncertain about my ability to stick with a regular workout routine and doubted my physical capabilities. However, as I progressed through my training, I began to realize the importance of consistency and discipline in achieving my goals. I found that setting small, measurable objectives for myself helped me stay motivated and focused on my progress. On the first day, I was noticing my strengths and limitations. Exercises targeting the lower body like leg press and squats were my area of strength. However, push-ups were one of my weak points because of my left shoulder injury. I also struggled to run for long distances because it was almost 2 years after I quit football due to covid-19. I gradually increased my time and angle of treadmill to improve upon my weakness.  For the push-ups I started with wall push-ups and gradually came to knee ones, by now I can successfully do 10 normal push-ups in a single set.

One of the most challenging aspects of gym training for me was overcoming my fear of failure. I was often intimidated by the weight room and worried about not being able to lift as much as other people. But I soon realized that everyone starts at a different level and that the most important thing is to push yourself to improve. With the guidance of a personal trainer, I was able to gradually increase the weight and number of reps I could handle and saw significant improvements in my strength and endurance.

The physical benefits of gym training were evident in my increased energy levels and improved overall fitness, but I also noticed positive changes in my mental well-being. I found that working out helped me relieve stress and improve my mood. It also taught me the importance of self-care and the value of setting aside time for yourself.

Participating in gym training as part of the CAS program has also helped me develop teamwork and leadership skills. I had the opportunity to work out with a group of peers who had similar goals and we were able to encourage and support each other throughout the process. I also had the chance to mentor and guide new members of the gym, which helped me develop leadership skills and the ability to communicate effectively with others.

Overall, my experience with gym training as part of the IB CAS program has been incredibly rewarding. It has taught me the importance of discipline, consistency, and perseverance in achieving my goals. I have also gained valuable insights into the benefits of regular exercise for physical and mental well-being. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this program and look forward to continuing to pursue fitness as a lifelong pursuit.”

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