My interest in personal finance and investing motivated me to start reflecting on knowledge by starting a blog about the same. The main aim of the blog was to educate people about personal finance and help them start investing. I used the website “” to start my blog and created a website there to add my blog entries. The blog is named “Investry”.
L1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
I demonstrated LO1 by identifying my strengths. I determined that I have good knowledge of finance and I can help other people if I communicate that knowledge effectively. My area for growth was the writing part as I am not very well versed in writing and struggled to communicate my knowledge lucidly.
L2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken in developing new skills
I demonstrated LO2 by taking a challenge to write a blog post every month. It may sound less but it was difficult for me due to the high workload of the IB diploma which left me with little to no time for writing the blog. Hence, I developed my time management skills and allocated time for my blog using google calendar which helped me schedule my day.
L3- initiate and plan a CAS experience
I demonstrated LO3 by planning out my blog posts by first brainstorming possible hot topics about finance. Then I made a mind map for each topic which helped me determine which things can be communicated for each topic. Only then I started writing the blog post.
L4 – Commitment and Perseverance
I won’t say that I was highly committed to my blog in the initial stages as a procrastinated a lot before writing down a post. However, as my blog started to grow my commitment to it also grew. This way I was committed to my CAS Project and was able to complete it successfully.
L5-. Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively,
As this was a CAS group project, I worked with other people on my blog. This was highly beneficial to me as I could rely on my team members for writing a blog post if I had some work to do or I was unwell. This made the overall process easier as the workload could be evenly divided between the team members.
L6-engagement with issues of global significance
I think that lack of knowledge about personal finance and budgeting is a global issue and a lot of people around the world lack this knowledge. Knowledge about such topics is essential for survival in today’s world. Hence, by sharing knowledge about finance through my blog, I engaged with issues of global significance.
L7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
I considered the ethics of my choices and actions throughout my CAS project. I made sure that I am not sharing any information that is inaccurate or not from a verified source. This is because such information might misinform people which could lead to problems. Hence, by making sure to share only accurate information, I recognized and considered the ethics of choices and actions.