Photography – activity

Many people have different experiences with photography that are unique to them. For me, photography has been a way to capture and preserve memories that I can look back on and cherish for years to come. Whether it’s a photo of a beautiful sunset, a portrait of a loved one, or a snapshot of a memorable event, each photograph has its own special meaning and significance to me.

Photography has also been a way for me to express my creativity and explore my artistic side. I enjoy experimenting with different compositions, lighting, and techniques to create unique and visually stunning images. It’s a way for me to take a break from the stresses of daily life and immerse myself in the process of creating something beautiful.

Furthermore, photography has allowed me to see the world in a different way. By looking through the lens of a camera, I am more aware of the details and nuances of my surroundings, and I can appreciate the beauty in even the simplest things. Photography has helped me to slow down and appreciate the present moment, and to capture memories that I might have otherwise forgotten.

Learning outcomes:

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My strengths and shortcomings were the major determinant through which I was able to moderate my areas for progress. Creating this table made it easier for me to see my areas of growth, where I needed to spend less time training, and how I might make any kind of progress. Also, the process might be guided by the strengths and weaknesses in order to establish a basic awareness of where to go.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

The difficulty of the setting and placing had been the primary problem. These are some of the key elements that should always be taken into account when taking photographs. As the majority of the journey was spent on a rough terrain, it was challenging to snap symmetrical, even pictures. The number of photos that could be taken, light, and camera range were all taken into consideration as problems. I had to pick carefully which images to capture because there was a photo restriction. Range required me to research how far the camera could take pictures, while light required me to edit the shots.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I had to be dedicated to the photographing process while being on a route that demanded careful passage. The significance of dedication and endurance is that both are necessary if you want to take images that are memorable and captivating. Not only this, but commitment also aided in my skill development and elevated my regard for the craft. I was committed when I said that I was determined to create outstanding photographic works.


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