Feeding stray dogs

Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively
Learning Outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Learning Outcome 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

As part of my CAS experience, I have been volunteering my time to feed stray dogs in my community. At the beginning of this service, I worked independently and would go out on my own to feed the dogs. However, as I began to encounter more dogs and more people who were also interested in helping, I realized the benefits of working collaboratively.

Through collaboration, we were able to cover more ground and provide food and water to more dogs. We also discovered that working together allowed us to share our knowledge and resources. For example, one person had a car, so they were able to transport larger quantities of food and water, while another person had contacts in the local animal shelter, which helped us with veterinary care and finding homes for some of the dogs. As I continued to volunteer, I became more aware of the global significance of the issue of stray dogs. I learned that this is not just a problem in my community but is a widespread issue in many parts of the world. It made me think about the interconnectedness of our world and how small actions can have a big impact. Additionally, I began to consider the ethics of my actions. I realized that feeding stray dogs is not a long-term solution and that the root cause of the problem is a lack of responsible pet ownership and animal welfare laws. I began to research and advocate for these issues in my community, and I also made sure that the food we were providing was healthy and appropriate for the dogs’ nutritional needs.

Overall, my experience of feeding stray dogs has taught me the importance of working collaboratively, engaging with global issues, and considering the ethics of my choices and actions. I hope to continue this service in the future and use what I have learned to make a positive impact on my community and beyond.

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