Teacher`s Day Dance – Activity

Dance is always something I have been passionate about since childhood. However, I was disconnected from this field for a long time due to my studies. Dancing is a fun way to incorporate exercise into our routines and it is a great type of workout. The event of teacher`s day provided me the opportunity to revive this hobby and I performed the dance on 2 songs.

LO1 – Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth

My strength was that I could pick up the choreography quickly and could align them well with the music, but the weakness was that I had pretty low stamina and flexibility. This was the area of growth, in order to develop it, I continuously practiced the dance, again and again, every day to improve my stamina and improve my movements.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The biggest challenge was that we needed to learn 2 dances in just 2 early sessions (1 hour each). I developed self-management skills while overcoming this problem. I managed the time well and focused on learning the steps in the early sessions and perfecting them at home.

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Certain steps in the dances were difficult for me and I wasn`t able to perform them gracefully such as the wave step. I demonstrated perseverance, kept on practicing it by breaking the step into small movements, and eventually, I learned it.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Since this dance was a group dance and group dances are all about collaboration. I developed great collaboration skills during this process since, group performance requires everyone to dance to the same beat and the same steps, hence matching that improved collaboration skills. To add on, the input everyone gave helped to decide and finish songs faster. This was the one benefit of collaboration recognized.

I feel so glad that I took the opportunity and pursued one of my hobbies.

I demonstrated the learner profile as “reflective” as I reflected on my experience and analyzed it hence improving. The highlight of the experience was when I was finally able to learn the dance and performed it on stage.


Practice: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19xX2zWe96RIYGmS7a5DwGrvCa-akHXys/view?usp=sharing

Dance Performance:


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