Beach Cleaning

Dumas Beach is very famous in Surat, where people come to enjoy morning snacks and have a picnic on the Beach. And the places that are famous are always full of garbage because the tourists just throw the garbage which causes a lot of pollution and pollution damages biodiversity and that is why we decided to clean Dumas Beach. LOs such as LO6, LO2, LO5 and LO7 was used during this experience. The SDG covered were Life on land, Life below water, and Climate Action.

LO2 which is Demonstrates that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. To collaborate with 20 people was hard because we had to coordinate and select a time when we all could go to dumas for cleaning. Also, we had decided to go in monsoon so sometimes due to heavy rains, it was not advised to go near the beach so we had to cancel the plan sometimes.

LO5 which is Demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively. So the benefits of working collaboratively were we could clean a lot of garbage together, as every person was responsible for collecting a bag full of garbage. Also if there are people with you doing the same thing they can encourage you, because waking up and reaching Dumas Beach so early on Weekends was hard because it was the time when we could sleep for a longer period and put our energy to use in some other activity.

LO6 which is Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance was demonstrated because putting trash on the beach can lead to water pollution and land pollution as the water travels up on the shore it takes the garbage with it leading to water pollution and because of the garbage becoming decomposed it leads to land pollution so it deals with two global problems. Also because garbage is left on the beaches it is very easy for the animals to eat it as they can’t distinguish between food and plastic this can lead these animals health to deteriorate.

LO7 which is Recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions was demonstrated as once the cleaning was done we threw these bags of garbage in the garbage truck rather than leaving it there so that the animals don’t consume any waste. Also, Dumas beach is very far from the city and going there by vehicle can contribute to a lot of pollution as everyone would bring their vehicles that is why we decided to go on cycles to reduce the pollution that could be caused by the emissions of the vehicles.

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