CAS Reflection – 3v3 Basketball tournament

Aryan Arora

I am a person who loves to play sports and my favorite sport is basketball. For a very long time, I needed a chance to play a tournament where I could showcase my skills and everything that I’ve learned in the sport. CAS in grades 11 and 12 gave me the chance to take part in this tournament and give it my best. In this experience, one element of the CAS was taken into consideration which was activity. Overall the tournament was very fun as my team won. It also helped me work upon my communication skills as well as my leadership skills because I was the captain of my team. The experience also helped me overcome my fear of playing in front of people who were elder to me.

LO1:- While playing I did identify my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths were playmaking and controlling the ball whereas my weaknesses were defending other players which caused my team some points. It is very important to know our strengths and weaknesses as if we want to continue with the same activity in the future it’s better to know what to work upon in the near future. On the second day of the tournament, I worked upon my weaknesses which lead to us winning.

LO5:- Working with others in a team was fairly easy for me as I get along with others pretty well. While playing my communication helped me talk to my teammates hence it was easy for me to work with them. In my team, nobody was difficult to work with hence winning was easy for us as a team. It is very important for us to be able to work with others so that we can give the best at whatever activity we are doing. The importance of teamwork and leadership is that it can help us interact and get to know others, and as basketball is a team game it is very important for every individual to get along with other players.

My takeaways from this CAS experience were that no matter what we should be willing to try new things even when we’re not sure we’d suceed, I had a lot of fun in the tournament and overall it was a great experience. The learner profile attribites that I showcased by performing this activity were communicator as I had to talk to my teammates in order to score and risk-taker because this is something that I was scared about but still went for it. Taking a part in this tournament boosted my confidence as now that I think of taking a part in some other tournament it seems to be easy and not that difficult. Hence taking a part in this CAS experience has helped me a lot.

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