Cycling 100km

Physical Well-being is important for everyone and should be taken care of regularly. There are many ways of exercising and stretching the body to help maintain its shape. One of these includes cycling. Cycling helps exercise the lower body and make it stronger. I chose to start off by cycling 100 km and divided the rides into 4 days with 25-30 km each day. This way within 2 weekends I was able to complete my goal.

I never travelled more than 5 km on my cycle before this experience, so maintaining it for 25 km was quite challenging for me. The first time it was difficult for me but after repeating it for a few times I got used to it and was able to overcome this difficulty. Even though 4 times aren’t enough to overcome this difficulty, for me it was an achievement and that’s how it helped me recognize my own physical health.

I am not an organized person and I am not that punctual as well, because of this, I had to change my daily routine and wake up earlier than usual. It wasn’t easy for me to get up early on weekends but I managed it and after 2-3 times it didn’t feel unusual. To make my 100km goal achievable by me, I extended it through 4 days with 25 km each day. It wasn’t easy for me to accomplish it.

Sometimes, when I couldn’t muster up the strength or the motivation to go cycling, my friends would encourage me to do it with them. This was together, we were able to complete this CAS Goal. We motivated each other and went to cycle everyday. Even if I had to go buy something, I would call my friend and we would go together while cycling. This is how working in teams help in achieving goals.

With the increase in population and city expansion, people are buying more vehicles which release green house gases and cause global warming. Cycling is an eco-friendly alternative to vehicles and should be used for transportation. Through this experience I learnt how important it is to do cycling and that even if by a little negligible amount, my actions could lower the effects of global warming, I would recommend everyone to use cycle as an alternative to vehicles.

I had to be committed to this activity and since it was my first time going through long distance cycling, it was hard to be consistent. I tried and managed to complete it on time and exceeded my own expectations

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