Learning to cook

I have been intrigued by the process of cooking and it seems like it is a really handy skill to have as it would give me independence and I won’t have to rely on others to make me food when I need it, this will also help when no one can cook, as I will be able to make basic dishes that would be filling.

LO 1
Identify your strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
I have only been able to make tea and non-stove easy items like sandwiches and cereal, I had decided to learn 3 – 4 dishes, which are white sauce pasta, quesadilla, Indian tea and Maggi, I had difficulties in few dishes like white sauce pasta and quesadilla, while other dishes like Maggi and Indian tea were simple.

LO 2
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
I had many difficulties and challenges making the white sauce pasta, as tempering was a tedious and difficult technique and understanding the correct softness of the pasta was tough to understand as well, I also had some difficulties in the quesadilla as it was tough to close cause the filling was overflowing out of the quesadilla.

LO 3
Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
I had made a plan of going from the easiest dish to the hardest, I was also guided by my mother to understand the high and low heat, my mother helped me in making the dishes by explaining how it is made and at what time is the dish cooked, due to this I gradually learnt how to cook.

LO 4
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
I had done tried to make the food perfect and showed dedication by understanding the steps and had asked many questions about the dish so that I would have a perfect dish, I had also given my mother tasting each one to make sure the dish was up to standards.


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