Feeding hungry stray cows

I have seen many cows on the street that don’t get a lot to eat, so they eat trash and non-edible food to survive but those things harm the cows, even more, I then realized that the cows that get rescued and kept in stray stable also get fed less due to funds or more rescues than the stable can handle due to this even the cows who are saved don’t get enough food. I decided to go and feed the hungry cows in the stables so that i would be able to feed more cows than the ones I find on the road.

LO 3
Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
I had decided to go to stables that shelter stray cows so that I can feed multiple of them at the same time I decided to go to specific ones that seem to have more cows as the funding there won’t be able to cover food for all of them.

LO 4
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
I decided to go to various stables to give them food so more cows across Surat would get the food, I also tried to provide proper full food that won’t be harmful to them and would be good for them.

LO 5
5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
I decided to collaborate with a few of my friends to be able to provide enough food to multiple stables in different areas, We all decided to try and provide good healthy food enough to feed the hungry cows.

LO 6
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
There are almost lots of stray cows starving each day due to not being able to be found by the stables or not enough funding for the cow’s food in the stables, I decided that I would give food to at least the stables who have more amount of cows in my city.

LO 7
Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
Feeding the starving cows is an ethically and morally correct thing to do as the cows would at least get to eat some food and won’t be starving, I noticed that most of them were starving as they were asking rushing towards me and pushing each other out of their way to be able to eat the flatbread.


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